From the vegan meal kit brand "Purple Carrot", a plant-based frozen lunch series "Vegan Frozen BOX" that can be easily eaten just by warming the menu for one meal is now available! It will be on sale from March 1, 2022 (Thursday).The first in the series is "Two kinds of herbs and tomato spicy arabiata", and we plan to expand the lineup in the future.
Delivered frozen!Plant-based frozen lunch that can be eaten in one step
Korona-ka has attracted attention for its body- and mind-friendly diet, and with the growing health consciousness, plant-based diets that are "healthy and full of vegetables" are gradually expanding.Furthermore, in order to suppress the generation of greenhouse gases due to livestock production, plant-based foods such as meat substitutes and dairy products are lined up in supermarkets, and restaurants and convenience stores announce plant-based menus. You can also see the increase in.On the other hand, frozen foods that can be stocked and can be eaten at any time without the hassle of cooking have evolved further, with more products being released on the table in one step due to the prolonged nesting. increase.

For a new life from spring, Purple Carrot proposes a "frozen bento" that makes it easier to enjoy the vegan menu than the previous "vegan meal kit".For those who want to reduce cooking time on busy days, late nights, home lunch at remote work, etc., it is delicious as a one-meal frozen lunch so that you can easily have a healthy and satisfying meal with plenty of vegetables. It was developed with a focus on pod color and nutritional balance.
Pre-sale in the US!
In the United States, the birthplace of Purple Carrot, sales of vegan frozen foods at major supermarkets and range cooking products of "Ready to Eat" (frozen lunch boxes) will start in 2020.We have expanded our lineup, and in 2021, we will be offering it at about 48 stores in 7000 states in the United States, and we are doing well, saying, "It's easier to start a vegan style."
In order to support a healthier, more surprising and joyful dining table through plant-based menus, we plan to focus on expanding the menu of this "Vegan Frozen BOX" in Japan as well.
Two herbs and tomato spicy arabiata

■ [Vegan Frozen Box] 2 kinds of herbs and tomato spicy arabiata
Sale period: March 2022, 3 (Thursday) 17: 10-
Price: 1 yen per person (tax included)
"EAT MORE PLANTS" for a dining table that is kind to the earth and the body
1.8 members, Purple Carrot meal kit shipments exceeded 120 million meals!With the recent rise in health consciousness, plant-based diets that are "healthy and full of vegetables" are gradually expanding.In addition, plant-based foods such as meat substitutes are increasing in order to suppress the generation of greenhouse gases due to livestock farming, and restaurants and convenience stores are announcing plant-based menus, indicating new needs and an increase in users.
At Purple Carrot, we have set up "EAT MORE PLANTS" to easily incorporate plant-based meals into our daily lives as "one of the options" and to balance our lifestyle with our own.Since the service started in October 2019, the number of Purple Carrot meal kits shipped has exceeded 10 million meals, and the number of registered Purple Carrot courses has exceeded 120 (as of the end of February 1.8).

About Purple Carrot
Purple Carrot is a vegetable-based meal kit brand that anyone can realize "EAT MORE PLANTS".A meal kit that allows people who usually enjoy meat and fish to easily realize a plant-based meal at home in 20 minutes will receive all the ingredients and recipes, so no difficult knowledge or time is required.
2019年10月より70種類を超えるメニューを開発し、「ヘルシーで野菜たっぷり」が叶うミールキットの出荷数は累計120万食以上※1、Purple Carrotコースの登録者数は1.8万人※2を超え、一層その支持を広げています。2021年2月には『ソーシャルプロダクツ・アワード2021』にて持続可能な食生活を提案している点が評価され「ソーシャルプロダクツ賞」を受賞しました。
* 1: Cumulative shipment of Purple Carrot meal kits from November 2019 to February 11
* 2: Total number of registered users of Purple Carrot course started in February and November 2020