Plant-based vegan information site from ORGANIC PRESS

World Report

Really evolved!Vegan butter & cheese

2023-04-30T00: 46: 53 + 09: 002019-03-21|Categories: World Report|Tags: |

From March 2019th to 3th, 6, "Natural Products Expo West 9" is the largest trade show of natural, organic, health and eco-related products in the United States. VEGAN is still popular!As for butter and cheese, plant-derived products are appearing one after another.

Next to maple, agave and coconut, dates syrup

2021-02-20T16: 32: 45 + 09: 002019-03-17|Categories: World Report|

At "Natural Products Expo West 2019", we focused on 100% dates syrup!Dates are dates.Rich in nutrients such as iron, potassium, magnesium and dietary fiber.It is characterized by its sticky texture and natural sweetness that is rich like brown sugar.

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